Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Please help support our new charity to help families complete the adoption process and receive grants to start there forever family. 

If you are in atlanta sign up to take part in our 5K race June 10th if not able to attend please donate anything you can to help so many deserving families complete the adoption process.

Doug Spicer and Kecia Tomlin developed the Adopted By You 5K & Fun Run and chose to partner with Gift of Adoption based on the amazing success GOA has with providing grants to so many deserving children and families over the past 20 years. Doug and Brent are no strangers to adoption. They now have a beautiful 22 - month old boy named Sawyer who they adopted through the open adoption process. During this process, Doug and Brent saw firsthand how expensive it is to adopt and how upfront costs of adoption can often delay or prevent adoptions from happening. They realized how fortunate they were to have the means to afford adoption, but their hearts ached for the children waiting and qualified parents yearning to bring them home. Doug and his partner wanted to find a way to give back and help adoptive families with the last bit of financial support they need to bring their waiting child home. Doug discussed his idea with his friend Kecia, and she immediately jumped on board. On June 10, 2017, Doug and Kecia will host the inaugural Adopted By You 5K & Fun Run (in partnership with GOA) to support the many children in need of a forever family.