Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to reflect a moment on this year as 2015 approaches.  2014 was definitely a crazy and exciting one. In February we went live to potential Expectant Mothers, in July we found the most amazing Birth Mother and matched in September. Since first talking to Krista we have begun counting in weeks, decorating the nursery and getting things in order.  In addition to all of that, we have been able to take numerous trips to KY to build a great relationship with our Birth mother, a couple amazing vacations to Punta Cana, Las Vegas and a couple other small trips here and there. We have been using the excuse that this is the last year and we have gotten all of the "us" travel out of the way. We are excited about 2015 and what that means with a new one on the way. We are ending the chapter of what life as only two adults that love each other and adding a baby, a birth mother and her son to the family.  We cannot wait to start the new chapter of little Sawyer in our life!  Happy New year all! 2015 is going to be amazing!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hope everyone had a great holiday and is ready for a Happy New Year! 2015 is a big year!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

We hit the 3rd trimester today!!

Merry Christmas to everyone!! Thank you again for all the amazing support you have given us this year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Please share our story over this holiday season. We would love to get the word of open adoption out there. Thank you again for all the support!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

We love the holidays I can't wait to meet our little Sawyer. It is going to be so great to have our families together with him.  This is a true blessing and 2014 has been an amazing year. March of 2015 can't get here fast enough. We are just full of so much joy this holiday season. I wanted to thank you all again for being so supportive and giving us so much great advise and positive thoughts. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Take a look Brent and I are officially blogging with So exciting! Please make sure to share. This is a huge opportunity for us to get our message about open adoption out there. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Tonight Doug and I went and visited our friends Ellen and Alex and got to meet their family's new addition, Calvin! We were so excited to spend some time with Calvin! What a cutie - 9 days old

An amazing article written about us in June of this year by David Magazine Atlanta

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Our Little Man will be here soon.  Happy holidays to everyone!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

Hello All! 

Open Adoption is one of the most amazing experiences we have been through.  It still can be so scary at times as well. We love Sawyer so much already and I can't wait till we hold him in our arms. It is so hard to not worry about something happening at the birth. We have an amazing birthmother and we understand this is such a hard choice for someone to make and we thank god everyday for this gift we are about to receive.  It is so unbelievable how much you can love someone you have never met. This journey has really made both of us grow. Thank you to everyone for the support and caring so much about our story.  March 2015!!!!! 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Real Modern Dads: We are in Kentucky about to have dinner with our a...

Real Modern Dads: We are in Kentucky about to have dinner with our a...: We are in Kentucky about to have dinner with our amazing birthmother. Also excited for a Sawyer update on Monday at our next doctors appoint...

We are in Kentucky about to have dinner with our amazing birthmother. Also excited for a Sawyer update on Monday at our next doctors appointment.  March 2015!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Please follow our Facebook page.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

28 Rules for Fathers of Sons

I stumbled across this article. It is so true. I hope Doug and I can live by these 28 rules! 28 Rules for Fathers of Sons 1. Love his Mother. He will learn to love like you love, and hate like you hate. So choose love for both of you. Devote yourself to it. Love with your whole heart and express that love each and every day. Then, someday down the road, you will see the way he loves his own wife, and know that you played a part in that. 2. Let him drive. Every child remembers the first time they drove on daddy’s lap. For that one moment, he will believe that he is just. like. you. 3. Teach him to be picky. Especially when it comes to women and burgers. Teach him to never settle. 4. Take him to a ball game. There is something about sharing a day of hot dogs, sunshine and baseball with your father. 5. Love with Bravery. Boys have this preconceived notion that they have to be tough. When he is young, he will express his love fully and innocently. As he grows, he will hide his feelings and wipe off kisses. Teach him to be a man who rubs them in instead. It takes courage for a man to show love: teach him to be courageous. 6. Talk about sex. Sometimes, boys need to know that all men are created equal. 7. Teach him to be a man’s man. Show him how to be brave and tough around the guys. Then, remind him on the ride home that it is okay to cry. 8. Share secrets together. Communicate. Talk. Talk about anything. Let him tell you about girls, friends, school. Listen. Ask questions. Share dreams, hopes, concerns. He is not only your son, you are not only his father. Be his friend too. 9. Teach him manners. Because sometimes you have to be his father, not just his friend. The world is a happier place when made up of polite words and smiles. 10. Teach him when to stand-up and when to walk away. He should know that he doesn’t have to throw punches to prove he is right. He may not always be right. Make sure he knows how to demand respect- he is worthy of it. It does not mean he has to fight back with fists or words, because sometimes you say more with silence. 11. Teach him to choose his battles. Make sure he knows which battles are worth fighting- like for family or his favorite baseball team. Remind him that people can be mean and nasty because of jealousy, or other personal reasons. Help him to understand when to shut his mouth and walk-away. Teach him to be the bigger better person. 12. Let him dance in tighty whiteys. Dance alongside him in yours. Teach him that there are moments when it is okay to be absolutely ridiculous. 13. Share music. Introduce him to the classics and learn the words to the not-so-classics. Create a rock band with wooden instruments, share your earphones, and blast Pink Floyd in the car. Create a soundtrack to your lives together. 14. Let him win. Sometimes he needs to know that big things are possible. 15. Teach him about family. Let him know family is always worth fighting for. Family is always worth standing up for. At the end of the day, he has you to fall back on, and pray to God that you will have him. 16. Father him. Being a father—to him—is undoubtedly one of your greatest accomplishments. Share with him the joys of fatherhood, so one day he will want to be a father too. Remind him over and over again with words and kisses that no one will ever love him like you love him. 17. Listen to him now. If you don’t listen to the little things now, he won’t share the big things later. 18. Let him try on your shoes. Even if they are old and smelly. Let him slip his little feet in and watch him as he hopes like hell that someday he can fill them. He will fill them. 19. Give him bear hugs. The kind that squeezes his insides and make him giggle. The kind of hug only a daddy can give. 20. Give him baths. Because Mom can’t do everything damnit. 21. Teach him how to pee standing up. Let him pee outside- such is the joy of being a man. Mom cannot teach this talent, so someone has to. 22. Know the answers. He will assume you do. If you don’t know them, pretend you do and look them up later. 23. Toss him around. Because little boys love seeing the strength of their father. Throw him up in the air, so that he knows you will always be there to catch him on his way down. 24. Ask his mother. He will come to you with questions that he won’t always want to ask his mother, about girls and about love. Ask her anyway, she will know the answers. 25. Love him like you would love a daughter. Little girls are not the only ones who need hugs and kisses. Love is the color yellow of emotions. It is both happy and gender neutral. 26. Grow a big belly. Because every child should get the chance to rest their head on the absolute softest pillow ever. Daddy’s belly is the best place to land. 27. Don’t say, do. American inventor Charles F. Kettering once said, “every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice.” Be a good one. 28. Be his hero. You are anyway. To him, you have the strength of Batman, the speed of Spiderman and the brain of Ironman. Don’t disappointment. Prove to him that Daddy’s are the biggest heroes of all. Only Daddy’s can save the day. After all, good fathers make good sons. Sarah D. ~Diapers & Daisies

Thursday, October 30, 2014

March 2015 can't come fast enough we are so ready to meet our boy. I wake up everyday and can't believe how blessed we are to have met Krista. Our family will  expand so soon and we are excited to be future real modern dads.  Thank you again to all for being apart of our journey and supporting us the whole way. 

TBT Brent and I at turner field in Atlanta. Happy Thursday all!!! Thank you again for continued support. Stay tuned for the name of our baby boy.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Boy or Girl?

We have the answer for what everyone is waiting for! 

Is it a boy or is it a girl?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

18 Week ultrasound!

We are officially on our way to KY to see Krista and ultrasound on Monday! So excited; Stay tuned for the big reveal!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Hey everyone! As Doug and I get ready for our next trip to Kentucky we just wanted to send a quick thank you out to everyone following us and sharing our page! Not sure who shared our page this weekend, but we have over 100 new "Likes"! So awesome! Stay tuned to find out if we will have a little boy or little girl. We are super excited!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

So excited for October 20th Brent and I will find out if we are having a little boy or little girl. We are so so excited!!! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Real Modern Dads: Share our story today!We would love people to like...

Real Modern Dads: Share our story today!We would love people to like...: Share our story today! We would love people to like and follow our story to learn all about open adoption and how it is changing our life! ...

Share our story today!

We would love people to like and follow our story to learn all about open adoption and how it is changing our life!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Having such a great time! We can't wait till we can vacation with our little one. It may be a different type of vacation but we are so excited to become daddies march 2015! Thank you again for all the amazing support everyone!

Friday, October 3, 2014

We are off to Punta Cana Dominican Republic for our last baby moon.  😀

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What to buy?!?!?!?!?

So just thinking about all of the items we need to purchase to be ready for the little one (crib/car seat/stroller/etc)... Anyone have any ideas of what is a must have, a good to have or don't need/never will use?!?!?!?! There are so many articles out there, but would like the first hand opinion. Thanks all!

Happy hump all! Brent and I can't believe that our dream of becoming dads gets closer each week. We are excited for our next ultrasound with the amazing Krista so we can all find out if we are having a little man or woman.  Life is full of ups and downs but I will admit I have a permanent smile on my face each day. March 2015!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

We are so excited to meet our new little one. Everyday as we get closer and closer to meeting our future son or daughter it makes us both have this sense of happiness and joy about what the future brings. Our birthmother is giving us this amazing gift the gift of our family.  We are so thankful and can't express enough how excited we are to have met Krista.  Thank you so so much to everyone the support has been pouring in and we are so overwhelmed with joy by all of you.  

We can't wait to meet our little one.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Meet Birthmother!

Doug and I are so excited! As mentioned last week, we have met the most amazing birthmother! We are excited to introduce everyone following our story to our birthmother, Krista. We are expanding our family, starting March 2015!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Brent and I are so proud to announce that we are going to be true Real Modern Dads March 2015!!!  We have matched and are expecting!!!! Brent and I have met our soul mate of a birthmother and we are over the moon. Thank you to everyone who has supported us and now the next chapter begins! Stay tuned more to come.