Thursday, October 30, 2014

March 2015 can't come fast enough we are so ready to meet our boy. I wake up everyday and can't believe how blessed we are to have met Krista. Our family will  expand so soon and we are excited to be future real modern dads.  Thank you again to all for being apart of our journey and supporting us the whole way. 

TBT Brent and I at turner field in Atlanta. Happy Thursday all!!! Thank you again for continued support. Stay tuned for the name of our baby boy.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Boy or Girl?

We have the answer for what everyone is waiting for! 

Is it a boy or is it a girl?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

18 Week ultrasound!

We are officially on our way to KY to see Krista and ultrasound on Monday! So excited; Stay tuned for the big reveal!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Hey everyone! As Doug and I get ready for our next trip to Kentucky we just wanted to send a quick thank you out to everyone following us and sharing our page! Not sure who shared our page this weekend, but we have over 100 new "Likes"! So awesome! Stay tuned to find out if we will have a little boy or little girl. We are super excited!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

So excited for October 20th Brent and I will find out if we are having a little boy or little girl. We are so so excited!!! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Real Modern Dads: Share our story today!We would love people to like...

Real Modern Dads: Share our story today!We would love people to like...: Share our story today! We would love people to like and follow our story to learn all about open adoption and how it is changing our life! ...

Share our story today!

We would love people to like and follow our story to learn all about open adoption and how it is changing our life!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Having such a great time! We can't wait till we can vacation with our little one. It may be a different type of vacation but we are so excited to become daddies march 2015! Thank you again for all the amazing support everyone!

Friday, October 3, 2014

We are off to Punta Cana Dominican Republic for our last baby moon.  😀