Friday, March 28, 2014

We have been live about a month now. We have had our ups and downs. I know that our family is in the near future. I always knew I wanted to be dad but the closer we get it really makes me know how much I want this. I am so ready for the next chapter. Just have to chill and relax and not be my normal over analyzing self. Lol  

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cooking class time!!!

Brent is an amazing cook. I have got to learn  I think I can I think I can. Lol

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Feeling anxious today. I know how I am and the waiting game is going to be tough for me. I defiantly love my friends and family for keeping us distracted and living our normal day to day. 😀

Monday, March 17, 2014

Hey all! We have been just living day by day. It was so exciting to finally get through our home study but the next step the waiting game feels like forever. I know we have to live our life just like we always would but it still is hard. We both are just so ready to be dads it is hard not to be anxious. I know when our child comes it will be meant to be and we will have our family. Everything happens for a reason and I know our child will enter our lives exactly when they are suppose to. So Brent and I know that our life is about to start a new chapter and I am so ready to turn that page. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It's been about 2 1/2 weeks since we have been "live" and it has pretty quiet on our end. We know this waiting game can be quite the process. Doug and I are hopeful something will come about soon. However, to help take our mind off of things we are creating projects at the house. This past weekend I spent demoing our master bath. Over the next couple of days/weeks (dep...ends how ambitious I am) we will have a nice new master bath with a walk-in shower. After that, Doug already has a pretty long list created for me to keep me busy for a bit! 

If anyone would like or know anyone that would like a hard-copy of our portfolio/Dear Birth Mother Letter, please message us and we can drop one in the mail. Thanks for keeping up and following us!

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Well the waiting game has begun and I have decided to take the advice I have been give by other adoptive parents. It is so important to live your life and not put it on hold. We are still doing what we love and enjoying our life just like we always do. Life is so short and I know our family is coming soon. We are taking things day by day and it really has been great to have our friends and family so on board with our decision to adopt. Everyday I get so excited for what is to come. It is so important to stay positive and realize it is all about being patience for what is to come.  😀