Saturday, June 28, 2014

Adoptimist Profile

Hey everyone! Everyday Doug and I are trying to get out there and get noticed. See our profile we created on Adoptimist.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hey All, I just had to say I

am so thankful for my life. I have amazing family and friends. The support we have received all over the world is truly mind blowing. I can't wait to start a family with Brent and give our child all the love and happiness he or she deserves. I know that we will meet our birthmother soon and I can't wait to meet her and begin our next chapter in life together.  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Happy Tuesday! - Additional Pictures

I hope everyone is having a terrific Tuesday! We posted some of our many pictures that didn't make it into our portfolio but are still too good to pass up from sharing. See the pictures below! Also, please be sure to LIKE us and SHARE our story at:

Friday, June 20, 2014

Thanks Everyone - Reflection on the Week

I have been reflecting today on how great this week has been thus far.  On Sunday we got back from a great trip with friends in Fort Lauderdale, FL where we were able to relax and soak in a little bit of sun.  We arrived home early so we were able to spend some quality time with each other and our two adorable puppies.  Trevor's, the puggle, birthday was on Sunday so he got a little extra attention and a special treat.  On Tuesday, I was able to get back to Boot Camp and work out with the awesome Zone Boot camp folks and Doug and I had date night after work.  On Wednesday, we had an article published about our journey by David Atlanta Magazine. Now it is Friday and I look forward to the weekend hanging out with friends and my boo.  I was also able to catch up with our adoption counselor and she thinks we are doing the right things with getting ourselves out there and networking.  The networking isn't possible without such great friends and followers!

As such, I wanted to take this time to again thank everyone for the support and if you feel like it, please share and ask friends to LIKE our Facebook page and iheart adoption pages.  Links are below.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

TBT Brent and I in our younger years. How cute are we?  😄

Challenges of Same Sex Adoption

As Doug and I go through this process of Adoption there have been many great news articles about new states allowing marriage, equal rights, etc.  and we love to see the change.  We are in a world today where change for equality is happening every day and it is amazing that we get to see it first hand.

However, we get scared when an article like the one below surfaces.  We live in a state where the law is unclear if we can adopt together, and there has been no same sex adoptions where two men or two women have adopted initially together.  We have to have a primary adopter and petition after the initial adoption for a second parent adoption.  Ultimately, it is up to the judge to make that decision of whether we are fit for adoption and second parent adoption.  Luckily, we have been told that our agency has not seen any issues with initial adoption and after the fact same sex second parent adoption in the county (Fulton County) in which we live, but this article could be us.  It is scary and I feel for these two men.  I pray that these two ultimately get to adopt their children and pray that we aren't in that same situation when we are united with our little one.

Link To Story:
Thank you so much to David Magazine Atlanta for writing an amazing article about our process. This is such great exposure.  

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Here is the copy of the article from David Magazine!  Check it out:

You can also visit the web version here: 

David Magazine Atlanta

We were featured in David Magazine Atlanta please check it out. They did a great article. This is so exciting for Brent and I the more exposure the better chance to start our family. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Great weekend at the beach! Can't wait to spend our summers at the beach with our little one making sand castles and jumping in the water. There are so many exciting adventures I want to share with our child. I know our day is just around the corner.  Thanks again for all the support. Love you all. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

This week has really made me even more excited to become a dad. We have Father's Day coming up this weekend and I am so excited for Brent and I to have our little one so we can be proud papas. This process defiantly can really take a toll on your life but it really is so worth everything we have gone though. I would do it over and over to start our family.  This process also really makes you appreciate everyone in your life. The support has been so amazing. We can't wait to share the great news with everyone that our son or daughter has arrived.  We both know it will be sooner than later. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hello all! I have been having fantasies each day about Brent and I and our new little one. I can't wait for the day we get that call that we have been matched and our new life will begin. It can be very difficult at times but staying positive and having amazing support has made it so much easier. I know our day is coming soon and please know all the support and sharing of our story means more to us than you can imagine. Love you all. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Please check us out at  Brent and I have been featured as dads to be.