Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Real Modern Dads thought of the day.

Hello Everyone!  We are almost three months live now. We have our joyful days. We have our frustrated days. We have our days of excitement. It is defiantly a completely different experience that I originally thought. I will say we have been living our life with our family and friends which has kept us so busy. We love to travel and that has always been so important to us and we will always keep that as a big part of our life. We can't wait for our child to be right along with us.  I know that we will have our child sooner than later and when it is right it will happen. I will say that I am proud of myself because I normally can be very anxious and I have gone outside of my normal box. This has helped me tremendously when it comes to living my day to day.  

I would like to thank everyone for the support and sharing our story it is all about getting us seen all over the U.S. This is so important for us to meet our potential birthmother. Love you all so much. 😀😀

Please share our story. Thank you so much for all the amazing support! We are so thankful!! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Happy birthday to my partner and soon to be daddy! Love you 

Monday, May 19, 2014

I can't wait story #4... Christmas Eve!

I think it would be easy to write about Christmas morning and how a child's eyes light up as they awake to a beautiful Christmas tree with tons of presents underneath, and I will write about that one week.  However, I cannot wait until the day before Christmas, Christmas Eve.

In my family, we had a tradition of going to my dad's parent's house for Christmas Eve.  We would go to Mass at 4:00, sit there for 2 hours until mass started at 6:00.  As a kid I remembered, being anxious/tortured because I knew while we were at mass the one and only Santa Clause would be visiting my grandparent's house.  All I wanted was to catch a glimpse of Santa and his reindeer.

During mass, we would listen to the sermon, sing songs like Holy Night, then finally drive back to my grandparent's house listening to Christmas Carols.  We would sing the entire way home in anticipation of the hope to see Santa and his reindeer.  The cousins and I would run into the house, and see that Santa had visited us by evidence of presents under the tree and a half eaten plate of cookies and milk.  However, instead of running to the presents, my grandfather would call us outside because he could see Rudolph's red nose in the distance.  Next thing you knew, that red light would start moving faster and faster and then it was gone into the night.  For many years, this was the norm of our Christmas Eve.  We would always "just miss" Santa and his reindeer but the glimpse kept us believing.  Come to find out, my grandfather had the next door neighbor run down the fence line with a red light so we believed it was Santa.

Though my grandfather is no longer with us, I want to keep that memory alive.  Doug and I will figure out how to keep that tradition going.  The innocents of a young child believing in Santa is beautiful.  It wasn't the gifts that we cared about (okay, we cared about the gifts too), but it was about the belief that Santa actually existed and we saw his sleigh take off.  That is a memory that I will always have with me and I hope to pass those types of memories along.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hello Everyone! As summer approaches I think about how much I can't wait to experience the beach with our new little one. The beach is always a place of relaxation and peace for me. I can remember being a child and my nana would take us to the beach every summer. It was one of the most amazing memories of growing up. I always have loved the water and moving my feet through the sand.  Brent and I are so excited to pack up the jeep and head down to Florida and experience one of our favorite things to do.  We also can't wait to head down to the beach with our friends and family so our little one can truly enjoy all the beach has to offer.  

Monday, May 5, 2014

Brent and I are truly blessed with so much support. Thank you everyone we love you! 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Can't Wait - #2 (Snowballs)

As summer quickly approaches and the weather turns warmer and warmer I think about snowballs. So, this brings me to my next “can’t wait” moment with my child. When I was younger I remember the long, hot summer days. As a treat during summer, whether it was an A on a test or an after baseball game cool-down or just because, my parents would take me to get a snowball. I remember getting the flavor bubble gum when I was younger because it was blue. The cold ice melting in my mouth with the sweet syrup made it the perfect summer drink. By the end of the snowball, I would be sticky and blue.

The day will soon be here, where I let our child experience his/her first snowball. I can’t wait to see our child’s face as he/she looks in amazement at the many different choices of flavors and bright colors. I wonder which flavor he/she will choose. Will it be bubble gum or maybe nectar or maybe a mixture of multiple flavors? Whatever flavor it is, when our child tastes his/her snowball for the first time I know there will be the look of delight in his/her eyes.